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HUBFirst, LLC, is a HUBZone certified small business focused on the next generation of call center operations, back-office processing, and account servicing.

Founded in 2019, HUBFirst is a HUBZone Joint venture between Mid-South Adjustment Co., Inc. (founded in 1981) and Coast Professional, Inc. (founded in 1976) that have a combined 88 years of experience. HUBFirst is the archetype for uniting generational success with cutting edge process to provide the government with advanced and thorough services. HUBFirst specializes in the operations of call center, back-office processing, and consultative support for large scale government contracts.

As a HUBZone certified small business, HUBFirst maintains the required certifications to receive small business expenditure credit for contracts requiring Small Business Administration (SBA) subcontracting plan commitments.

Contact HUBFirst

a HUBZone Joint Venture between Mid-South Adjustment Co., Inc.
and Coast Professional, Inc.

Email: info@hubfirst.com

Phone: (800) 650-2819

Fax: (800) 385-9459

© 2024 HUBFirst, LLC

All Rights Reserved